The Sprouts and Explorers are deep in their Construction study! They’ve learned all about building materials, structures, engineers, architects, and the different equipment used on construction sites. This is one of the few times it sure is neat to have a construction site happening right next to our school. They’re able to see their learning happening in real life. Every day, the Sprouts and Explorers are taking on new adventures and embracing new experiences as they learn about construction. They’ve been using their imagination during center time as they use Magna-tiles to build houses and castles or Legos to build bridges and towers. kalkulátor tippmix They even built their own Eiffel Tower with blocks in center time! Centers are a wonderful opportunity for children to imagine, create, and bring their study to life.
The preschool classes have been studying famous structures around the world during this study! The Eiffel Tower wasn’t the only historic structure they recreated. This week they learned about the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy! The children had lots of questions about the safety of visiting a tower that was leaning over. nagytétes tippmix tippek Rest assured Sprouts and Explorers, it shouldn’t be falling anytime soon. tippmix foci eredmények The preschoolers worked to problem-solve and find possible solutions to help a structure remain upright and sturdy. The classes really enjoyed creating their own Leaning Tower of Pisa. They used paper towel rolls to represent the tower. They painted them and even painted Italy’s flag as well. The Sprouts and Explorers were both so inquisitive and excited to learn about these various structures.