At Whole Kids Academy, we love to celebrate! We celebrate everything – big or small! These past two weeks have been filled with many reasons to celebrate.
We kicked off our return after a long weekend by celebrating Pajama Day! Everyone here loves pajama day. It was a great way to start our week back at WKA.
Our Soccer Shots stars celebrated all the accomplishments and new things they learned as they closed out their 8-week program last week. Look out, Major League Soccer – Whole Kids has some future soccer athletes coming your way!
We’ve had some great weather these past couple weeks so we have been soaking up the sunshine and celebrating the great weather with popsicles and water play!
We always have birthdays to celebrate too. These past two weeks have had many celebrations as children turn one year older. We’ve even celebrated a few children being promoted to “Big Brother!”
We also celebrated the upcoming Father’s Day as we enjoyed Donuts with Dad today. Each class also made their own unique project to celebrate this special holiday. We are so grateful for the many dads of Whole Kids! We hope you feel extra loved and celebrated this weekend.
We are so proud of our graduating Kindergarteners. Leading up to their last days of school, they had their own Spirit Week! We sure hope to see our Kindergarteners in Aventuras next year! Then, we won’t miss them too much